Monday, July 16, 2007

Seven Things I Wish to Accomplish by Age 65

1. I wish to have preached the gospel of Christ to one billion people, including people on every continent and in every state of the United States. I pray God will allow me to be a voice for Him to a corrupt world.

2. I wish to have the ear and the confidence of the President of the United States of America, so that a voice for God may speak.

3. I wish to overcome the sin in my life and develop the spiritual disciplines that keep me focused on God’s purpose and will.

4. I wish to see college students and young adults everywhere convicted with the truth and zealous to share God’s will.

5. I wish to see the Bible return as the most influential moral, doctrinal, and spiritual document of our time.

6. I wish to develop some ground-breaking tools for evangelism and spiritual growth, so that those who have not entered a church building might nonetheless hear the gospel.

7. I wish to train thousands of men who desire to preach the gospel.


Terry Laudett said...

I like your ambitions. How close are you to reaching a billion people with the gospel? How many continents have you visited? Are you friends with a presidential candidate? Your post made me curious.

Phil Sanders said...


I am a long way from preaching to a billion people, but I do have written works on several continents. The Evangelism Handbook has been or is being translated into Russian, Romanian, Telegu, and Portugese. I have personally preached on three continents.

Our stats show that 95 countries (not counting US military) have accessed our website. The #1 thing downloaded is the evangelism handbook.

I don't know any presidents or even any candidates. I am praying, however, the Lord will open that door.

I am currently working and dreaming about some other plans for evangelism involving young adults. I have been training preachings for a decade. Some of my class notes are used in a schools in Belarus, Ukraine, and Ghana. Who knows where else?

I was embarrassed a little after I put this up, but writing down goals in an important part of the process of growth.

I hope to reach our culture by means of television and Think magazine, which BTW will soon be offered in prominent bookstores throughout USA.

I was not trying to be arrogant in this post. I am trying to clarify what I want to do with the rest of my life.


Terry Laudett said...

I did not consider it arrogant at all. I like your goals (and your blog in general, even though I rarely leave comments to let you know it).